Configuring VSCode
You must install the VSCode "Remote - Containers" extension to enable development in Docker containers.
- Open VS Code.
- Press "Ctrl-Shift-X" to open the Extensions panel.
- In the search box, type "Remote - Containers".
- Click "Install" on the extension.
Opening the application in the container
- Open the cloned repository in VS Code (File > Open Folder).
- A notification should appear prompting you to open in a Dev Container. Click "Clone in Volume".
- Press "Enter" to confirm the repository.
- Click "Create a new volume".
- Press "Enter" to confirm the volume name.
- Press "Enter" to confirm the target folder name.
- The repsitory should now open in the container.
- If prompted by Windows Defender Firewall, click "Allow access".
- If after cloning you see many changes in Git, discard them. The only difference is the line endings.
Please Note: Any non-pushed changes before closing the VS Code window will be lost. Make sure to commit and push your changes before exiting.