The primary imported module. Contains the most basic data analysis tools along with import links for other tra_analysis
submodules. The documentation for the submodule specific tools are contained here, the linked imports are documented in their own articles.
Note: After update 3.x, the module was renamed to Analysis
from analysis
, however the old import name can still be used but support will be removed in future updates.
Performs basic statistics tests including:
- mean
- median
- mode
- standard deviation
- variance
- maximum
- minumum
on any flattenable array.
Returns the results as a dictionary with keys of test names and values of test results.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
test_data = [1.2, 3.4, 0.6, 7.8, 4.3, 8.9]
{'mean': 4.366666666666667, 'median': 3.8499999999999996, 'standard-deviation': 3.095516470998373, 'variance': 9.582222222222223, 'minimum': 0.6, 'maximum': 8.9}
tra_analysis.Analysis.z_score(point, mean, stdev)
Calculates z score of a data point (the associated score of the point on a normalized curve) relative to the rest of the dataset. Requires the point, the mean of the set, and the standard deviation of the set. Outputs the calculated z score as a python numerical.
Read here for more information about normal curves and z scores.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
test_data = [1.2, 3.4, 0.6, 7.8, 4.3, 8.9]
mean = analysis.basic_stats(test_data)["mean"]
stdev = analysis.basic_stats(test_data)["standard-deviation"]
test_point = 6.0
analysis.z_score(test_point, mean, stdev)
tra_analysis.Analysis.z_normalize(array, *args)
Normalizes an axis of an array by fitting it to a normal curve. The function takes in some array (n >= 1) and an option list of axes to normalize against (if no axes are provided then no normalization occurs). Returns a normalized array of the same size.
Example Usage
In this case, the data is normalized along the 0th axis:
from tra_analysis import analysis
test_data = [[1.2, 3.4, 0.6, 7.8, 4.3, 8.9], [0.3, 5.2, 9.8, 1.6, 5.0, 7.6]]
analysis.z_normalize(test_point, 0)
array([[0.9701425 , 0.54724936, 0.06111006, 0.9796027 , 0.65203927,0.76046158],
[0.24253563, 0.83696961, 0.99813103, 0.20094414, 0.7581852 ,0.64938292]])
In this case, the data is normalized along the 1st axis:
from tra_analysis import analysis
test_data = [[1.2, 3.4, 0.6, 7.8, 4.3, 8.9], [0.3, 5.2, 9.8, 1.6, 5.0, 7.6]]
analysis.z_normalize(test_point, 1)
array([[0.09152575, 0.25932297, 0.04576288, 0.59491739, 0.32796728, 0.678816],
[0.0207768 , 0.36013118, 0.67870877, 0.1108096 , 0.34627998, 0.52634558]])
Does analysis on historical (order dependant) data by taking point to point derivatives and calculating mean and standard deviation of derivatives. It is most useful in calculating the volatility of a trend. Takes a 2D array as input and returns the mean and standard deviation of the derivatives. The input must be a =n array of x values on one axis and y values on another.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
test_data = [[1.2, 3.4, 0.6, 7.8, 4.3, 8.9], [0.3, 5.2, 9.8, 1.6, 5.0, 7.6]]
{'mean': -0.19213689691950578, 'deviation': 1.4167111581233176}
tra_analysis.Analysis.regression(inputs, outputs, args)
Performs a number of specified regressions on a set of 2D data. Given:
- inputs (x values or independent variable values)
- outputs (y values or dependent variable values)
- args (list of types of regressions) the function returns a dictionary with keys of regression types and values of regression parameters (coefficients).
Types of regressions that can be performed are:
- "lin" = linear
- "log" = logarithmic
- "exp" = exponential
- "ply" = polynomial
- "sig" = sigmoidal
Note: not all regressions will have resonable results on all datasets.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
test_data = [[1.2, 3.4, 0.6, 7.8, 4.3, 8.9], [0.3, 5.2, 9.8, 1.6, 5.0, 7.6]]
analysis.regression(test_data[0], test_data[1], ["lin"])
{'lin': '-0.056992116353780986*x+5.165532228810201'}
Metric is a module containing 3 submodules. The submodules are match performance rating systems including elo, glicko2, and trueskill.
Note: not to be confused with metrics. After update 3.x, the classness of this module has been removed.
tra_analysis.Analysis.Metric.elo(starting_score, opposing_score, observed, N, K)
The elo ranking system was developed primarily to rank chess players objectively using a score system. Its use can be extended to any zero sum game.
Given a previous elo score, an opposing elo score, and the results of a match (an array of 2 values, the first reflecting the points earned by the first player and the second reflecting the score of the second player), returns the new elo score.
N and K are constants. By default N = 400 and K = 24.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
previous_elo = 1524
oppoonent_elo = 1586
N = 400
K = 24
observed = [1, 0] # in this case, the 1st player (the one being evaluated) won, and the opponent lost
analysis.Metric().elo(previous_elo, oppoonent_elo, observed, N, K)
tra_analysis.Analysis.Metric.glicko2(starting_score, starting_rd, starting_vol, opposing_score, opposing_rd, observations)
The glicko2 rating system was designed to improve on the elo system by introducing a rating deviation (rd) and rating volitility (vol) in addition to the rating. It can also calculate scores for several consecutive games and expects opposing_score and opposing_rd to be lists
Given a previous glicko2 rating (score, rd and vol), an opposing glicko2 rating (rating and rd), and the results of a match (an array of 2 values, the first reflecting the points earned by the first player and the second reflecting the score of the second player), returns a tuple of (new score, new rd, new vol)
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
previous_rating = 1650
previous_rd = 151.52
previous_vol = 0.05999
opponent_ratings = [1690, 1450]
opponent_rds = [162.32, 125.3]
observed = [0, 1] # in this case, the player being evaluated lost against their first opponent, and won against their second
analysis.Metric().glicko2(previous_rating, previous_rd, previous_vol, opponent_ratings, opponent_rds, observed)
(1633.1498393809143, 134.50703588188637, 0.059986396179992955)
tra_analysis.Analysis.Metric.trueskill(teams_data, observations)
The glicko2 rating system was developed by microsoft to rank players in games that involved more than 2 players per game.
Given some teams_data (array of tuples of ratings) and the observed outcome of the game, returns new ratings.
Example teams_data:
[rating1, rating2, rating3] # team 1
[rating4, rating5, rating6] # team 2
where the ratings are tuples of mu and sigma values (mu, sigma). Default values are mu = 25, sigma = 25/3
With trueskill, the observations can be raw points, as it does not require the game played to be zero summed.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
rating1 = (24.3, 8.2)
rating2 = (26.4, 7.5)
rating3 = (25, 8.3)
rating4 = (22.5, 7.75)
teams_data = [
[rating1, rating2],
[rating3, rating4],
observed = [0, 1] # in this case, the first team lost and the second team won
analysis.Metric().trueskill(teams_data, observed)
(tra_analysis.metrics.trueskill.Rating(mu=27.010, sigma=7.660), tra_analysis.metrics.trueskill.Rating(mu=28.667, sigma=7.090)),
(tra_analysis.metrics.trueskill.Rating(mu=22.223, sigma=7.740), tra_analysis.metrics.trueskill.Rating(mu=20.079, sigma=7.296))
tra_analysis.Analysis.kmeans(data, n_clusters=8, init="k-means++", n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=0.0001, precompute_distances="auto", verbose=0, random_state=None, copy_x=True, n_jobs=None, algorithm="auto")
Performs a kmeans clusteriung analysis on some provided data. Refer to sklearn's documentation for more information on use.
Given nd array of points, returns centers of clusters and array of classifications based on clusters.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
x = [[1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 0], [10, 2], [10, 4], [10, 0]]
analysis.kmeans(x, n_clusters = 2)
(array([[ 1., 2.], [10., 2.]]), array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int32))
tra_analysis.Analysis.pca(data, n_components = None, copy = True, whiten = False, svd_solver = "auto", tol = 0.0, iterated_power = "auto", random_state = None)
Performs a principal component analysis (pca) on the data. Refer to sklearn's documentation for more information on use.
Given some ndarray and number of components to reduce, returns a reduced array.
Example Usage
from tra_analysis import analysis
x = [[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]]
analysis.pca(x, n_components = 2)
array([[ 1.38340578, 0.2935787 ],
[ 2.22189802, -0.25133484],
[ 3.6053038 , 0.04224385],
[-1.38340578, -0.2935787 ],
[-2.22189802, 0.25133484],
[-3.6053038 , -0.04224385]])
tra_analysis.Analysis.decisiontree(data, labels, test_size = 0.3, criterion = "gini", splitter = "default", max_depth = None)
Creates a decision tree classifier given data input and associated labels. Refer to sklearn's documentation for more information on use.